Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I am a nerd.

because the highlight of my day(other than leaving work)? Watching the moon turn red! I love that sort of stuff and being able to share it with other people? Anyone else see it? (beyond the people that I called to remind them of the event?) I must have reminded 7-8 people about it. (my roommate, family, ex and a few other people)

It was fantastic and really pretty. All the more special in that it won't happen again for another 3 years.

Though my favorite story is how Christopher Columbus used his knowlege of eclipses to extort supplies out of the indiginious people (for more go here). Basically he told them that if they didn't give him what he wanted God would remove the Moon from the sky. That man was a genius (or at the very least an awesome negotiator).


Kristin said...

Definitely the highlight of my day. I even took pictures (to keep myself busy/not thinking about the cold).

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